ALTINBAŞ HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ observes due diligence in creating the necessary ambient to allow you to spend your time on web as secure and convenient as possible. To this end, Altınbaş Holding seeks following principles in compiling and use your personal information as follow:
Providing/Modification of Personal Information for Obtaining Services Altınbaş Holding users share some of their personal information with Altınbaş Holding for the purpose of obtaining services. All information obtained are available under Altınbaş Holding database. They are able to modify portion of their personal information during their surfing in Altınbaş Holding. Altınbaş Holding users are able to modify or change any information provided under “Subscribers’ Operation” by providing the link submitted via home page. It is possible to change the information only by the user. The validity of information shared and new information shall be valid for Altınbaş Holding and online services like other e-mails of Altınbaş Holding, instant messaging, etc.
Compiling Other User Information
Altınbaş Holding perform automatic compilation of the features, including sections visited during the users’ surfing, areas clicked in the site. These data are used for monitoring the sections and different areas for the purpose of rate of monitoring. Likewise, when use of “Cookie”, a technology that determines how access to the sites is made to the pages or how the they are monitored, is made, the statistical data are compiled for monitoring and entering into different areas of the site, which isn’t directed to the operations performed personally. The purpose of use of that technology is to make the content of the portions of the site that are frequented by the user’s comprehensible right after their first visit.
Sharing Your Information
In case you are a Altınbaş Holding user, several personal information (age, gender, etc.), as well as proprietary areas you shared during your subscriptions, like e-mail address are not shared by Altınbaş Holding, save statistical monitoring of your visits to the site. Altınbaş Holding will keep your personal information secret and in no case shared with third parties or organizations for commercial purposes. All those personal information, preferences included in the site, as well as the rights acquired upon being an Altınbaş Holding’s user including e-mail and same are kept secret in Altınbaş Holding database. Altınbaş Holding will be entitled to disclose the users’ personal information in case of as of following;
- Permission of the users for sharing his/her personal information,
- Preparation of list of the users’ profiles to be used solely within the scope of Altınbaş Holding’ premises,
- To develop the product and services requested by the users from Altınbaş Holding or remedy the problem with respect to the services and tools provided,
- For the purpose of obtaining the products and services by the companies that are cooperated (coordinated) in regard to providing the products and services to the users, and
- In case of court award upon legal proceedings or in regard to the formal requirements by the public administrations.
The data may from time to time be issued for the purpose of notifying the users with the subjects, contents, different services and works that are considered as useful. On the other hand, such use will be exclusive of Altınbaş Holding’s online activity, as well as under e-mail, instant messaging and other online services that are used and kept by Altınbaş Holding and delivered to you solely via Altınbaş Holding.
Altınbaş Holding shall be responsible for any loss and damages incurred during use of your personal information within the framework of foregoing terms and conditions.
Those who make use of our services are deemed as read and accepted foregoing. Altınbaş Holding will shall be entitled to make modifications on foregoing description without prior notice.
“ALTINBAŞ HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ web site” or “Web Sitesi” in short will mean all main- and sub-sites in possession of ALTINBAŞ HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ.
Please read terms and conditions of use prior use of ALTINBAŞ HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ web site. The additional terms of use for some of our sub-sites will be valid together with those for general terms and conditions.